Bloggen må vara död, eller inte, oavsett kommer jag fylla detta hörn av nätet med diverse vinrelaterade tankar och äventyr. Det blir allt möjligt vin- och ibland även spritrelaterat, samt såklart sedvanliga tips om aktuella lanseringar. Förhoppningsvis mer inspiration och kunskap än rena rama shoppinglistor om vad man ”ska” köpa, vill du ha det finns det massa sådant på annat håll.
Just det, det blir inte bara inlägg på svenska. Man bör använda sina språk, därför blir inläggen emellanåt såväl på engelska som på spanska.

Kommentera? Hinner inte moderera, så antingen kan man posta kommentarer på Insta där jag heter @lavidagonza eller maila.

Welcome! Regardless of the blog being dead and forgotten, or not, I aim to fill this part of the net with thoughts and adventures. If you’re looking for shopping lists of which wines to buy, I am sorry to disappoint but you won’t find those here. My aim is rather to hopefully inspire and to share some of the knowledge I’ve acquired since I started to immerse myself in vines and wines.

Anyhow. My first blog post in English and I’m starting out paraphrasing artist Oliw87 and proclaiming my thoughts on Chablis. Now, if you’re part of an old school kind of wine nerd, possibly an older (gentle)man that mainly (or only) drinks wine from the old European appellations and regards the so called ”New World” as humbug, I suggest you stop reading right here because I will not scratch your back. Quite the contrary.

I have really, really, really tried to get a grip on Chablis. It’s not the grape per se, I love a well made Chardonnay, who (apart from the mongrel characters in ”Sideways”) does not? I guess it is what I perceive as lack of flavour, a butt naked Chardonnay stripped of all charm, like a wine for people that doesn’t even like wine. Yes, I get the freshness and the citrus, but I rather choose a lemonade if I want those flavours.

My husband loves it, hence we occasionally have some bottles of it at home. I always try them, but never get the same excited sensation I’ve gotten when drinking other kinds of white wines, even the wines I generally do not like. I just don’t get Chablis.

I have not given up on it just yet though, and I would really like to get excited about it someday. If you’ve come across one that you think might tick my boxes, please feel free to either comment on my Insta where you find me as @lavidagonza, or send me an email. On behalf of me and Chablis I thank you!